From perspective of "substantial truth", the application of legal presumption in criminal litigation needs to meet certain conditions, while fact presumption prohibits the application. 在“实质真实”视角下,刑事诉讼中法律推定的适用需要满足一定的条件,事实推定则应禁止适用。
As a legal proposition, the presumption of innocence has its inherent characteristics and important political and legal functions, with its root deeply imbedded in social philosophy. 作为一种关于正义的规范性命题,无罪推定原则具有内在的基本特征和诉讼程序规则,具有深厚的社会哲学基础和重要的政治法律意义。
Finally, the author summarized roughly the academic classification of presumption in the main two legal system and the viewpoints for these relevant classification of presumption in our country academia. 最后,概括了推定在两大法系中的大致学理分类,以及我国学界对推定相关分类的理解。
In fact, factual presumption as a way of identification is greatly deferent from legal presumption. 实际上,事实推定作为一种事实认定的方法,同法律推定作为一种推定有着一些深层次的不同,并非只是有无法律规定的问题。
It puts forward such legal ideas as human right above all, presumption of innocence, procedure justice implied by the right to remain silent. 提出沉默权背后蕴含着权利至上、无罪推定、程序正义等法律理念;
The traditional view in the academic circle classifies presumptions into legal presumption and actual presumption. 学术界传统观点认为,按有无法律上的规定推定可以分为法律推定和事实推定。
The legal presumption of benefits nullification or impairment is the key concept in the violation cases. 法律推定利益的丧失或损害,是构成违反之诉的最基本概念,义务的违反构成了利益的丧失或损害的初步证据。
Chapter four further brings the political property of the legal fiction to light by comparing the presumption and the fiction. 第四章通过对推定与拟制的比较研究,进一步揭示法律拟制的政治属性。
Its causality is a combination of certainty and legal presumption. 共同危险行为在因果关系上是必然性和法律推定相结合。
And fact presumption and legal presumption should be distinguished and analyzed in their effect and concrete procedure design. 同时事实推定和法律推定在效力上、在具体程序设计上都应当区别加以分析。
Its subjective essential condition is respective fault of legal presumption. 共同危险行为人在主观方面是法律推定的各自过错;
In judicial practice, in light of the standard of judging the environmental dangerous criminals by the combination of the general personal and scientific stands, meanwhile, adopt "the legal presumption permitting the defendants to prove oppositely". 危险标准的判断是环境危险犯的司法认定关键问题,其应该根据一般人与科学的标准相结合的原则判断,并同时采用允许被告人反证的法律上的推定原则。
The criminal presumption rules should be a set of legal rules of varied gradations which is to regulate criminal presumption and is decided by the construction of criminal presumption and be complied with basic principles of authentication. 刑事推定规则应当是调整刑事推定活动的法律规范,它是一个富有层次的法律规范体系,其体系结构由刑事推定的结构所决定,同时符合刑事诉讼证明的基本原则。
Thus, human rights safeguard in criminal lawsuit naturally become an important problem especially in our country where the legal notions such as 'presumption of guilt',' focus on the entity, light procedure' are deep seated. 因此,保障犯罪嫌疑人的合法权益在我们这样一个有罪推定、重实体,轻程序等法律观念根深蒂固的国家,就显得特别重要。
The author thinks security obligations of the operators is legal liability, so we can use the way of fault liability principle and presumption of fault. 本文认为经营者的安全保障义务为法定义务,责任性质为侵权责任,归责原则应为过错责任原则,并采用过错推定的认定方法。
Paternity is an important part of marriage and family relations. Although there is regulation on child born in wedlock in our country, however, legal institution on the presumption and disaffirmation of paternity is absent. 亲子关系是婚姻家庭关系的重要组成部分,我国目前虽然有婚生子女的规定,但是,还没有关于亲子关系推定和否认的法律制度。
Comparing to civil presumption, the legal regulations of criminal presumption are scarce and criminal presumption has not been paid enough attention to. 和民事推定相比,我国对于刑事推定的相关立法规定极少,且理论研究也远未达到足够的重视。
To suit the rule of presumption can improve the efficiency of lawsuits and also restore the fact of a legal case. But for the two limitation as probability and subjectivity, to abuse the presumption rule may cause wrong case and even decayed in justice. 推定规则的适用有利于提高诉讼效率、能够在一定程度更好地还原案件事实的本来面貌,但鉴于其或然性和主观性这两点局限,如果适用不当则会增加错案率甚至滋生司法腐败。
The fourth section emphasizes on the study of the distinguishing features of legal presumption on rights. 第四节着重研究法律上对权利推定的特殊之处。
Major focus is the analysis of Legal Liability of Burden of Proof in presumption of both law and facts. 主要结合法律上的推定与事实上的推定两方面具体评析证明责任之分配。
Civil contract of the legal effect after the entry into force as follows: in the civil contract of the parties after the entry into force, the courts are binding on the parties to have a presumption of fault liability for breach of contract. 民事诉讼契约的效力是民事诉讼契约制度的重要组成部分,民事诉讼契约生效后的法律效果表现为:民事诉讼契约在生效后对当事人、法院都具有拘束力,对当事人具有过错推定的违约责任。
In Legal Presumption, we discuss the presumption of Knowledge, Possession-type Crime, Purposeful Crime, Common Crime and Criminal Rules for Legal Qualification in Criminal Law, and the presumption in Criminal Procedural Law. 在法律推定方面,探讨了明知、持有型犯罪、目的犯、共同犯罪与刑事主体资格中的推定规则;以及刑事诉讼法中的推定规则。
In addition, this section also describes the legal fiction and the presumption of law. 此外,本部分还介绍了法律拟制和法律推定两种立法技术。
The point is that legal presumption should not be used in criminal procedure because of any possible conversed burden of proof. 认为法律上的推定,因为倒置了证明责任,因此一般不适用于刑事诉讼中。
Presumed to have legal effect, transferred the burden of proof to the fact the presumption does not transfer the burden of proof. 法律上的推定具有转移证明责任的效果,而事实上的推定并无转移证明责任的作用。
The first section studies the relationship between legal presumption and criminal procedure. 第一节研究法律上的推定与刑事诉讼的关系。
Legal presumption on rights requires the objects to be presumed is not a fact but a right, or right state, besides this, it can be analogized, just like that legal presumption on facts can be adopted in many areas. 法律上对权利的推定,除了被推定出来的对象不是一项事实,而是一项权利,或者说权利状态外,在不少地方和法律上对事实的推定一样,可以类推适用。
However, with the introduction of modern legal philosophy in the West, such as "Presumption of Innocence" and "Statutory Crime", the right to punish criminals was taken over by the state. 但是随着无罪推定罪刑法定等西方现代刑事司法哲学的建立,国家接管了犯罪的惩罚权。
The second section studies legal presumption in civil laws. 第二节研究民事法律中的法律上的推定。